
Sunday, 18 January 2009

Managed to get out again on Saturday 17 Jan 2009. Went to a local (30 miles away!) duck pond, and wanted to get some "flying action shots".... the ducks and seagulls did not want to commit themselves to a photoshoot, or flying display, so as I was returning to the car, I spotted a crow having a bathing session, on the other side of the pond... Unfortunately, to capture him, (or fortuitously, depending on your viewpoint) I had to shoot directly into the sun, so he was really "backlit" which I suppose added to the shot!... for those interested, here are the relevant titles, and exif details....

Stopham Bridge (Near Pulborough) f8 s1/100 ISO 100 aperture priority w/b cloudy
Spangles f7.1 s1/500 ISO 160 Aperture priority w/b cloudy
Crow 111 f7.1 s1/100 ISO 100 Aperture priority
Crow 113 f7.1 s1/60 ISO 100 Aperture priority
Crow 116 f4.4 s1/1000 ISO 100 Shutter Priority

All the pictures were set up using Contrast +2 Saturation Normal Sharpness +2

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