
Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Wide Angle Lens - Test shots

I have had the Teleconverter lens on my camera, more or less, permanently since my last blog, so have almost forgotten about it`s "little brother", lurking in my camera bag..... the 0.7 x Wide Angle lens...

As with the Teleconverter, it screws straight onto the FZ28 lens barrel, and sits snug as a bug in a rug, when the camera is switched off. The down side of this is that it (and the teleconverter) produces a "porthole" effect if I forget to zoom out a little bit... In the case of the wide angle lens, this means zoooming out to just a little more than 1 X optical, but in the case of the teleconverter lens, it means going out to about 5 x optical... Not a great problem, just worth mentioning.

Now todays test shots, are aimed (!) at finding out what difference the Wide Angle lens actually makes to the amount of " view " you get with it added to the FZ28... Obviously, I cannot vouch for any other makes of lens or camera, But, I think I may well be using it for landscape photography a bit more, and it could even save a couple of shots when doing panorama`s...

anyway, here are the pics... I have put text on them to explain when the lens is used, or not... you will have to check the edges of the pix to see how much "extra" you get, and work out for yourself if it is a viable or necessary accessory for you to carry around with you....


  1. Hay Gerry its Adam

    Interesting article.... by the looks of things you get a wider angle of view without the converter at no zoom than with and zoomed in to remove the vignetting of the converter.... doesn't this defeat the point?

  2. Yes, I see what you are getting at !...
    I`m sure there must be some advantage, just that my way of showing it is not technically thought out !... Perhaps it is the "set up" of the wide angle lens screwed directly onto the FZ28 lens barrel, (bear in mind the lens was made by Sigma for a AF VIDEO RECORDER) ...!

    Will have another try some time soon! ! !

    watch this space !.

  3. yes, it seems that you don't gain all that much if you have to zoom in to remove the vignette effect. thanks for posting.

  4. yes no real gain as stated by gemma and adam

  5. I am curious if you focus on a specific object will you be able to get a wider angle with and narrower depth of field. Specifically when trying to isolate a subject like you would in a portrait? Can you post some test shots isolating a subject with depth of field?
